Monday, October 26, 2009

Ack Nice!

A wonderful time on Nantucket for about 24 hours! Reunioning with a few friends, dining, laughing, spotting seals and a boat ride! It was great to get away even though time was short.
We stayed in Sconset and the little tiny houses all right on top of each other were just beautiful. The Codfish Park neighborhood along the incredible beach where Gray and Harbor Seals cavorted by the dozens was my favorite area. Desolate in winter I imagine and bustling in summer. The older Jeep Wagoneers have given way to Land Rovers and Range Rovers. Can't wait to go back another day.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Flooding the bog " post" picking

Monday October 12, 2009

A beautiful weekend on the bog!One more day off from school to get some outside activities done like mowing, weeding, cleaning. It is a beautiful time of year! Otis loves to walk and swim and just hang out.